Every single industry you choose to work in has it's upsides and downsides. It's not easy to keep up with the trends on marketing, the way algorythms work, and how people see your creativty.
I am personally not too happy with the way streaming services has changed things. They think they are preventing something, or protecting their already damaged reputations. At the same time it weighs down heavily on aritsts who not only enjoy what they do. But also want to make a proper income out of their music. It won't be long before every other big streaming service follows suit.. I have no control over this. But at least I can say what I think.
I feel that it's really sad that there are services out there who have seeminly good intentions to help us out at the start of business. But then their true colors seem to come out, having us find out that they are trying to make a profit, and make a mockery out of our creativity, and passion for sound. CRUEL.. Everyone wants a piece of the pie, Right?
Haters will tell you to go and get job. But they don't understand the facts. As musicians and producers how the hell were we to know what these greedy bastards were really up to upon signing up for this shit? Think what ever you want. What we do is more than a job IT IS A CAREER.
I have had a few obstacles in my path. Lack of connections, equiptment, knowledge to be successfull, listening to opinions and thoughts from my father's side of the family. I was even ripped off by other musicians, whom I thought I trusted. Other obstacles I have endured are lack of inspiration, and other life's destractions. Despite all this I have used my creativity outside of my songwriting. To ignite this I do my best to ask myself "How am I going to solve this?" , "Which is the best way for me?"
The way things are going in this industry I am basicially going my own way. I go where most of the royalies are, I go where my mind goes. In a way I have to thank streaming services for inspiring me to go elsewhere first beforehand. This might be difficult. But my next album will be on places that will be more passionate about taking care of artists, giving more than taking. I hope that my tiny audience follows suit, and does not follow with the mockery for the sake of only getting their musical fix. I don't follow trends as much. But my main focus is creativity, progress, and the love that gets poured straight into it. That is what really makes a great song. Trust the Process. Enjoy the process. I want to keep providing great content for everyone. Allow them to enjoy what I enjoy, create empathy, create peace.