I have had people tell me that they did not like my make up. Tell me to fix my eyelashes on a live stream., and other shallow comments based on what I look like. I have had an abusive ex partner suggest I should have breast implants. I recently had someone tell a mutual friend that I was a "working girl" , along with some jelous females implying that I was having advances with many men . A small town against the whole world. News travels fast.
I have had people try to tell me how to do things when they got no idea that I know how to do them already without having the audacity to kindly ask. They think they are helping. But they are making matters worse, and devaluing the intellegence of another.
I don't find this at all sad. I just think it's petty and dissapointing the way social media has shaped the way some people treat others. For god sakes. Say it to my face first... You pathetic scaredy cats.
Being behind the screen has made it so easy for people to compromise their bravery by saying really messed up things based on what they see. They constantly reflect the interpretation of who they really are. That is what reputation can do.
When they say really terrible things to me I simply put it in song. Then allow the listener to take it in without much explanation. By this time I have already blocked them for their misconduct on social media towards me, and before things escalate. Maybe one day they will understand and respect my points of view and not waste their time stuck in their own moral smallminded ways. I kind of have to thank them for taking a small part in inspiring me to write the music I write now. I feel that putting things in song is the only way to help them understand how my mind works.
Songwriting has always been a part of my safe place. It has been like this for the past 26 years of my tiny career. I haven't done much. But it means a lot to me. Everything around me turns to a subsiquent blur. Even though I can be rather slow I won't stop until my point is carried accross successfully. I hope that my music can help change the world in the most beautiful peaceful way. Maybe this is a part of my purpose.